3301 Neely Ave. Midland, TX 79707 | 432-694-4308

Our vision is to be a vibrant community where diversity is celebrated, spiritual growth is cultivated and to embrace our wider community with the spirit of our eight principles.

Our mission is an acronym for WEFT, referring to the warp and weft of weaving – the interdependent web of life. There is an interconnectedness from which we can draw strength, and to which we owe our work for peace, truth, love, and justice.

At our spring meeting in May 2021, our congregation affirmed its commitment to anti-racism and widening the circle by adopting what is known as the 8th Principle. An addition to the original 7 Principles of Unitarian Universalism, the 8th Principle states: 

“We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”

Adoption of the 8th Principle is both a continuation of our anti-racist educational and social justice efforts, and a pledge to continue learning and working for a truly equitable and just world. We pledge to dismantle white supremacy wherever we encounter it, in ourselves and in the institutions we are part of.