3301 Neely Ave. Midland, TX 79707 | 432-694-4308

The heart of Unitarian Universalism is the call to social justice.  Our long history is filled with abolitionists, suffragists, reformers and activists. The first principle of Unitarian Universalism is the inherent worth and dignity of all people.  The seventh principle is the respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.  From these two principles which serve as the pillars supporting the other five, we are moved to take action when we face those situations where the inherent worth and dignity of individuals or the web of life are not being respected.

Like the wider Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) of which we are a part, we as a church promote many local, national, and international causes. Our church typically aligns with the social justice statements put out by our UUA, though some individual members may not agree with all of them.  That is as it should be.  We are a diverse congregation and we don’t always agree, however we are committed to disagree in love. As it says on the sign in front of our building: “We need not think alike to love alike” (John Wesley).

You can learn about some of our social justice and charitable actions in the drop down menu under “Justice” above.

UUMidland Side with Love
UUCOM Standing on the Side of Love in the community!
Side with Love March
David Prasad | Flickr
We often hold timely events in response to current issues.

Some events we have sponsored in past years include:

  • Provide space for Midland-Odessa PFLAG Groups
  • Host Blood Drives with Vivalant
  • Transgender Day of Remembrance Services
  • Hosted worship service for Basin Pride 2022
  • Participated in annual Basin Pride event
  • Sponsored 2019 first annual Basin Pride
  • Hosted a Remembering Pulse vigil in 2019
  • Vigil after the shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, cosponsored with Club 2020 of Odessa
  • Out in West Texas Symposium
  • Congregational Participation in local Women’s March in January 2017
  • Interfaith Event for Immigration Justice, cosponsored with the local chapter of Indivisible
  • Distribution of Welcoming Neighbor Signs, cosponsored with local chapters of Suit Up, and Basin Bridges
  • Book Discussion of The New Jim Crow, by Michelle Alexander, cosponsored by Trinity Episcopal Church of Midland, and Citizens United for Racial Equity
  • #UUWhiteSupremacy Teach-In
  • Summer 2017 site for local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) of Porter’s Community Farm
  • Field trip to member’s home to learn about sustainable home practices (native landscaping, edible landscaping, rain water collection, laundry to landscape system, chickens, and more).
  • Congregational participation in MLK Day march
  • Immigrant Stories event – October 2017, partnering with community residents
  • Courageous Conversations on Race Workshop, led by the Texas Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health Statistics and Engagement

2017 General Assembly
Rev. Emily Wright-Magoon and member Barbara Handley at a justice event, General Assembly 2017.

Side with Love is a public advocacy campaign that seeks to harness love’s power to stop oppression. It is sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Association and all are welcome to join.

Side With Love
Guest at Your Table - UUSC

Guest at Your Table is an annual tradition in which congregation members learn about people with whom  the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee  is working. These people are your  “guests,”  and you are asked to share your blessings with them to support our shared mission.

Democracy & Voting Rights
Economic Justice
Environmental Justice
Immigrant Justice
LGBTQ Justice
Racial Justice
Reproductive Justice
UU the Vote