3301 Neely Ave. Midland, TX 79707 | 432-694-4308

This Sunday at UUMidland

We focus on the value of money. We discuss both healthy and unhealthy money games.

From 10:00-10:45 am each Sunday, we have Spirit Play for children K-8th grade.  Spirit Play is a Montessori-based curriculum that teaches our children about Unitarian Universalism and our promises (principles) and sources.  During this time, we light our chalice, share joys and sorrows, meditate and have a story.  This is followed by work which may include, but not limited to the following:  artwork, retelling a story, writing or reading.  This class meets in person and has no Zoom option.

In-person Services

Sunday, 3301 Neely Ave. 11:00 AM
Masks are NOT required.

In-person Services

Sunday, 3301 Neely Ave. 11:00 AM
Masks are NOT required.

Zoom service

Virtual Services

The Meeting ID is: 275 082 7327

Zoom Worship Details

You will be admitted from a waiting room to protect against Zoom trolls. Please ensure you are using your full and real name in Zoom.

For a low-tech option, you can call in with any phone to this number: 929-205-6099. When it asks for your Meeting ID, enter the number on the front.

It will ask you to download an app to your computer. Just follow the steps. You might need to find “Zoom.pkg” in your downloads and double-click it to install the application. On your smartphone, download the Zoom app, and then join a meeting with the meeting ID.

To keep updated on all UUCOM events sign up for the weekly announcements sent out by e-mail.  You can sign-up here.

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