Q: What is the worship service like?
A: Unitarian Universalism teaches that worship invites those present to focus on the transcendental, the intimate, and the worthy. Usually a service begins with opening words, music for centering, and the lighting of the flaming chalice, the symbol of our faith. This is generally followed by the sharing of joys and sorrows, a time for prayer and meditation, music, readings and the sermon. The service usually ends with a closing hymn and benediction.
Services can vary a bit week to week in style and topic, so we recommend visitors attend at least three times to get a better sense of the church. At least once a month, the service is led by a guest minister or lay leader instead of our minister. This is to support the renewal of our minister, and also to embrace our belief in the freedom of the pulpit (that we all have wisdom to share).
Q: How should I dress?
A: However you are comfortable. Some people wear jeans; others wear casual sportswear, and still others wear their “Sunday best.”
Q: What are the major ritual objects of the service?
A: The flaming chalice. This is the symbol of Unitarian Universalism. The chalice symbolizes sharing, love, and sustenance. The flame symbolizes sacrifice, courage and spiritual illumination. Click here to learn more.
Q: Is an offering collected?
A: Yes, an offering basket will be passed, but it is entirely optional for newcomers to contribute. In fact, we say that newcomers can let the basket pass, as you are our honored guest.
Q: How long is the service?
A: The service usually ends at noon. Some stay for coffee, snacks, and fellowship. Occasionally we have a discussion, potluck lunch, or other event afterwards, for which you can check our calendar.
Q: What should I know about bringing my children?
A: Children are welcome!
We’re fine with fussy babies, but it’s also fine to step out if you like and come back in. We have a rocking chair at the back of the sanctuary for parents and little ones to rest, as well as SoulWork Activity bags in a basket at the back of the sanctuary.
Spirit Play is before service from 10:00-10:45 AM for K-8th Grade. If children attend the classes before the service, we’ll need you to fill out our registration form first so we have information on your child’s needs. You’re welcome to fill it out when you arrive.
At this time we do not have Intergenerational services.
Q: Where do I park, enter, and sit?
A: We are on the corner of Neely and Midkiff at 3301 Neely. Our parking lot is behind the building, and you can enter the lot off of either street (off of Neely, make sure you go in our lot, not the neighboring church’s lot). There is one main entrance to the building that is easily identifiable from the parking lot. Greeters will be in the foyer, and many times people socialize a bit in the foyer and adjoining fellowship hall before the service begins (promptly at 11:00 am). You can enter the sanctuary at any point and have a seat wherever you like.
There are two accessible parking spaces, with a ramp from the parking lot to the church. Greeters are present to help open the front doors if help is needed. There are no steps or stairs to enter the property, sanctuary, or other areas. The restrooms are not ADA compliant, but somewhat accessible. There is a designated spot for a wheelchair along the back wall of the sanctuary, and there are often many spots at the end of rows with room for a wheelchair (we have movable chairs, not pews).
There is a bike rack in front of the main doors.
Our posted restroom policy states that individuals should use the restroom that best fits their gender identity.
Q: How do I become a member?
A: You can join the church by signing your name in the membership book in the presence of the minister or a member of the Board. Visitors new to Unitarian Universalism are encouraged to attend several times and become familiar with the church before joining. “New to UU” classes and Newcomer Drop-In Circles are offered by the minister throughout the year. Membership in this religious community requires no subscription to a creed, but does signify your sympathy with our covenant and your willingness to give of your energy, time, and resources to help this church fulfill its mission. You can learn more about our Path to Membership here.
Q: How is UUMidland Reopening due to COVID-19
A: Masks are NOT required!
UUMidland had a COVID-19 Reopening plan. This plan dictates what type of meetings are allowed and what are the COVID-19 requirements for each phase. At this phase the church is fully opened and masks are not required.