See information on this Sunday Below

As a non-creedal religious tradition, we are not limited in our choices for inspiration and wisdom. From week to week, you are as likely to hear a reading from the Hebrew or Christian Bible as you are to hear from texts of any of the great religious traditions of the world, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Taoism as well as the traditions of native peoples from all around the world. Our sources are not limited to religious traditions, however, since you are just as likely to hear the words of Henry David Thoreau, Mary Oliver, or bell hooks. We believe that revelation of truth and meaning is ongoing and did not end 2000 years ago.

Under the leadership of our music directors, Sonja and Scott Millichamp, our music program is a gem of the congregation. Music at UUCOM is as diverse in style and form as our membership. On any given Sunday you are likely to hear talented musicians on the piano, strings, horns, guitar, or even the harp. And every Sunday we sing hymns that engage the congregation and serve to complement the theme of the day.

The sermon each week can be as different from the last as night and day. Freed from a strict adherence to a cycle of texts, our minister is able to draw on a wide variety of sources to address topics relevant to living an authentic, compassion-filled life. Many of the topics addressed by the minister have their roots in current events or conversations with church members and friends. You can read or listen to past sermons here.
Each Sunday, we read together this affirmation, a shortened version of the 8 Principles of Unitarian Universalism.
Leader: In recognition of the interdependent web of all existence and the awe it inspires,
Congregation: To encourage one another in our pursuit of greater truth and meaning.
We gather in peace and love.
Leader: To affirm the inherent worth and dignity of all people and all life,
Congregation: To promote justice, equity, compassion, in all aspects of life and living,
We gather in Peace and Love
All: This we covenant with each other.